Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Investigative Reporter's Putas

I(me) bet a lot of my followers wonder why I spends so much time Investigate Reporting. Because of reporting I have online relationships now with 2 kinky putas I will monger. 1 is in Rosarito and the other is in Ensenada. One has a dildo called "Ace" on a 1/2" power drill that she checks my prostrate many times.  Two gives me virtual head on a forum we posts on. All the racists on that forum are jealous of me. Because of my anonymous sorces there can't name it.

Saturday, October 6, 2012


Hi Bois,

Looking for someone in Tijuana, leave a message and maybe me (JoeJustJoe) will reply.

If you are a proctologist it adds more plus points to a possible response.

Trannys get double plus points and if you have a donkey odor you get triple plus points

(SBMLFS) = single black(middle eastern) male looking for same

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hola fellow sexsite amigos

I (me)(JoeJustJoe)(Rodrigo)(Fireballs)(Paco) wood like to welcome my fellow mongers from the Sex Sites I posts on. JoeJustJoe will now allow unmoderated comments. The racist, bat shit crazy, people who called me a dick licker, tranny humper and other crud names say what you want.

But be awares my anonymous sources will send all the dirt on you to me.

And Donkey Sex, tranny hunting and goat abuse are allowed subjects on this site!!!!!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Thank you Amigos

I (JoeJustJoe) wood like to thank all you for visiting my blog. Yes, I am Jihad Salman, contrary to what fireballs and Rodrigo said. I had a great time in Zona Norte last might. I saw a Donkey show with mudflaps and then we went Tranny hunting. Now JoeJustJoe is no slouch when it comes to tranny stalking but she left me in the dust as to how many can be done in one nite. She said she felt a bit ill after doing so many but after a wile she realizes she liked it. Next week we go to gay clubs in Temple City and see who got more.

You can also sees me at http://rodrigosplayground.blogspot.mx/ and leave more comment.

Friday, August 10, 2012

JoeJustJoe and Asses

One of my anonymous sources mentioned I seem to have a fixation with asses. While it is true all my cohorts are just that, I (me) have to come clean and said "Yes, I does like a nice fat Latino (masculine) culo to put my little pinger in from time to time."

It made me sick for a while at first but after thinking about it I realized it was my calling. Now some of you are going to call BS on JoeJustJoe saying I dont have the capasity to think but even an earthworm can think - ergo - I can thinks.

I plan on going to Zona Norte this weekend, I managed to suck up a few OT hours at the Stop and Gulp, but I can't decide if I shuld wear my Fireballs or Rodrigo disguise.

Anyone have a suggestion which one I shuld use because I cannot go as Jihad Salman, Haifa may catch me again.

Monday, August 6, 2012

EnsenadaDr, Tila and JoeJustJoe meet in Tijuana

It started out as a quiet day for me (JoeJustJoe) I was just posting a lot of my usual shit on Baja Nomads when Janene sends me a U2U to let me (I) know she and Tila are waiting for me with a pound of ass butter and 2 amazingly huge dildos they want to do you know what to you know who's ass so I put on my Rodrigo disguise dusted off the 2001 Corolla and met them in Rosarito where we proceeded to...................

Was that a run on sentence??

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Doctor visit

I went to a doctor to have my garden hose taken out of my ass. All went well but he has the nerve to ask JoeJustJoe(me) how it got there. Anyone want to talk about having objects removed from you ass?

JoeJustJoe has a lot of simaler stories to share.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Welcome to the JoeJustJoe Club

I am starting this blog for all my fans and friends to keep in touch with me. Feel free to express all your perversions and predilections here. Beastiality is one of my favorites after transvestites and little boys.

Feel free to post anything Baja related, I love the country and it's people.I haven't gotten farther south than Zona Norte in Tijuana but plan to do so very soon.